About your hearing
Your hearing status can be determined with a thorough hearing assessment at the Ethier Hearing Clinic, our audiology and hearing clinic. Learn the signs of hearing loss, the different types of hearing loss and take the free online hearing test below to see if you might be showing signs of hearing loss.

How does the ear work?
The ear is composed of three sections: the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. The outer ear comprises the ear canal; it is responsible for collecting sounds and directing them to the eardrum. The middle ear comprises the eardrum and three tiny bones (ossicles) which intensify and transfer sounds to the inner ear (cochlea). Sounds are changed into electrical impulses by tiny sensory cells in the cochlea and transmit the message via the nerve fibres to the area of the brain in charge of processing and interpreting what we hear.
What are some of the signs of hearing loss?
- Ringing or buzzing sounds in the ear(s)
- Asking people to repeat themselves: their voices are either too soft and/or they seem to 'mumble'
- Difficulty hearing from a distance
- Television volume needs to be louder
- Difficulty following conversation in groups and noisy settings
- Family and friends have commented on inability to hear
What are the different types of hearing loss?
Hearing loss results when any part of the auditory pathway becomes compromised. CONDUCTIVE hearing loss occurs due to conditions of the outer or middle ear (ex: wax, pressure, ear infection), and is often treatable through surgery or medications. SENSORINEURAL hearing loss occurs due to conditions of the inner ear or neural auditory pathway (ex: aging, noise exposure). MIXED hearing loss is a combination of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.
Hearing Loss Simulation
Experience it yourself
Ever wonder how your loved one hears through his or her hearing loss? Click on this link to find out. This may be an eye-opener and can help you understand some of the challenges he or she is experiencing on a daily basis.